Friday, October 22, 2010

I just wanted to make jam

Two months ago I applied to what seemed like the perfect job tutoring in St Petersburg.  Having spent a month in the summer there, and feeling like it hadn't quite been the complete experience, I felt quite sure I was supposed to go back.  I've got a bit of a thing for Russia and have lots of friends there. As I became convinced that it was inevitable, I simultaneously wanted to escape life in Bristol and yet was also in panic that it was too much at the wrong time.  Did I really want to embrace a life that was effectively being an overseas missionary?  No, not really.  As I told most people at the time: "I just wanted to make jam".  Y'know, be a home-maker in my little community and perhaps set up a W.I.

And now I have.  Stayed home and made jam that is.

Here's the recipe I used the other week when I made around 3 litres of the stuff with some of those bramley seedlings:

I was a bit wary, having never done anything like that before or having a clue about even the basics of jam making.  Fortunately it's easy with apples as they are high in pectin. As far as tips go - instead of muslin bags I wrapped it in a jay cloth; my advice would be not to do that. If you want to do it yourself then I suggest roping someone else in (thanks Adale) to help peel core and dice absolutely loads of apples.  I tried doing one each of the cinnamon and ginger and, though I like both flavours, in my opinions the ginger wins hands down.  I would also recommend ensuring that you have jam jars before you commence... else you'll end up with 3+ litres of jam and no idea what to do with them.  Hence:

Giant jam. In vases.

There was more but we put that in dozens of those tiny ramekins that you always end up keeping and don't know what to do with.

Well that's it from me this Thurs/Fri.  I'll hopefully be making some more soon, for a fun little venture I got going on, but I'll have to c u next Tuesday for that installment...


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